OK - I will let the photos speak for themselves. Here is a little background followed by photo description..
- Sunsets are getting better and better... I like the ones with clouds better but today it was perfectly clear..... can you believe you can still see a tinge of orange at about 930 pm...
- Don has been doing the screening and whining about how the screen cuts his hands.
- Deb has been "foaming" the gaps in the walls with a spray insulation foam that "grows" after you spray it in the gaps.... It is hard to determine how much it will grow....then she comes back and cuts it flush to the wall with a bread knife.
Top photo.... cool sunset.
Second from top - Whiny Don's hand after much swearing....:)
Third from top - wide shot of foam work done by Deb
Fourth from top - closer shot of foam work done by Deb
Bottom - .................... you make the call... I will say the bread knife part will be interesting...
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