Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Halloween and Packing in Portland

We are now in Portland, cleaning out our house and packing. Great fun again. As you may recall, we had planned to clean out and pack things a couple days before we left for Bow back in March 2008..... but my back went out for the first time in my life (for no apparent reason) and that kaboshed that!
Anyway, a belated Happy Halloween.... we dressed up as homeowners and contractors and worked on the house.... boy were we scary. And, of course, somehow Deb found time to dress up our "guys" and give me a card and some candy. Gotta love that!
Here are a few pics of the lastest work on the house. Hauling deck boards was an exciting adventure as you can see (Deb warming up flexing her muscles! Don doesn't need to warm up - he's just extraordinarily STRONG!), tiling (Doesn't the shower look GREAT? we can't wait to take a shower! Don's taken this on as his own little project and he's done a GREAT job!), installed some tile in front of our masonry heater so carpet does not get dirty, trim work on the stairs, etc. And while we're gone, Chris is working on the west deck - so it will be great to see it finished when we get home! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Oh no about your back, Don! :(

Deb is beyond adorable in those photos!

I love the little Halloween goodies she put together for you -- she's the best!

I love your fireplace. I want to sit there with a mug of coffee liberally splashed with Bailey's.

nodhop said...

Hi MrsBeans - thanks so much for your wonderful comments. They make our day when we sign back on. We continue to move ahead as you can see. Consider it done regarding the coffee and bailey's!